Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It is very interesting to go shopping in Jonesboro during the Christmas season. There were sooooo many accidents. And unbelievably, someone called in a bomb threat at Wal-Mart on Highland.

Larz was gone today which was ok. It was kinda like he was at work. I missed him, but not like he was gone out of town.

Kim brought the girls and her niece and nephew over today, because Kerry got out of jail and acted a fool at her house. It is ridiculous how stupid grown people will act. She has dealt with him for the last nine years and it is time to move on. I just hope that she sticks with it! I just pray and pray and pray that she will not let him back. Bobby is 20 time better than Kerry in pretty much every way that I can see. sigh.

Ok, I have been up too long and need to go to sleep.

Monday, December 20, 2010

sigh another complication from the accident

Ok. So another complication from the accident is my hair! I wonder if I can get some monetary compensation from the hair so that I can go to the hairdresser since I can't lift my arms above my head long enough to do my own hair. It is sooooooooo annoying. I could wash it, but I can't blow dry it or twist it. Sigh.

And this is not from the accident, but is annoying. I have to have an evaluation for the sleep study in the middle of the day! On my third day in the field. I don't know how that is going to go over. sigh. I still feel like I should blame that on my accident. I won't but I feel like I should lol.

Still not ready for Christmas

Ok! Now is not the time to panic, but I am not done shopping for Christmas. It's a piteous fact, because the children didn't ask for much and I have little money! So it should be done. Now the stores are full of people. The blessed little dear terrors are out of school and in the malls and I have to venture out with them all. Sigh. What was I thinking?

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I was in a car accident today. I yelled at the driver who caused the accident. She was really hysterical and I think I caught a little bit of it. At first I told her, it's ok. Then I was like "Shut the hell up and look at what you did to my car!?!!?" "LOOK AT MY CAR!" I feel a little bad now, because she was young and incredibly stupid apparently. . . apparently. But look at my car! Shit.

The ambulance ride was torture. The EMT was funny, but laughing hurt me. I think they decided I wasn't seriously hurt and that I was just taking a gratuiitous ride to the hospital for no reason. I really feel like that. They were super nice and very interesting, but I feel like everyone thinks I wasn't that hurt. I have so learned how to put my pain in the back that I will never show how hurt I am. I mean never. I feel like that is a weakness that I don't need. I could have wailed and cried and screamed, but what good would it have done. Better to block it all out and move on. Block it out and move on.

And now I am sitting here hurt. I have to write a letter to St. Bernard's because I think that they are determined to kill me once again. I go to the hospital and my blood sugar is 300+ and I have an awful headache and I feel nauseous. They don't treat any of that. I am going to write several letters until I get some sort of satisfactory response and I might even contact a lawyer. I mean what I went through was ridiculous and dangerous! I don't know what I want to happen, but I really think that this needs to be addressed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sick and tired of being sick an tired. I really should have stayed at home.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Work sigh

My boss drives me absolutely crazy! I tell her something and then two days later she tells it to me like I am hearing it for the first time! It is really really really really really annoying beyond belief! You would think that having a boss who never pays attention to what you do would be great, but it is awful! I could be doing something totally wrong and she never knows it until it is too late! Drives me crazy. And then you can never get a straight answer out of her. She never calls you back!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

They know so little

Ok. So everyday in class I feel like a big knowitall dork. Why should I be made to feel like this just because I read the paper, watch the news, read education news and just in general pay attention!? Why? All I know is that on a daily basis in class I don't want to raise my hand and I don't want to talk because I don't want people to look at me like there goes that chick again who thinks she knows it all. It's not that I knowitall or even a whole lot sometimes. Sometimes it is just how the teacher phrases the question "Have you heard about ______________?" Well, if it just happens to be a general idea of what is going on, then yes I know about it somewhat.

I just look around and look at these people and continue to make my list of people who will not be allowed to teach my children! lol.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

This is a test!

Summer School

Ok. So I have started summer school which is no problem. I have a test next week and I have already started studying. I have to do my philosophy and I have started what we will call preliminary work on that. I am very tired recently so my motivation for these things is very low.

My friend Kim is also going to summer school. I helped her write her paper. I love my friend, but more often than not she only calls me when she needs something. I don't think she even realizes this. Oh well, I will trudge on. I do enjoy talking to her, but even more important, I think that she needs someone like me in her life.

My bestest friend Sarah is getting married. I am really struggling with going. We can stay at her home which will save money, but it is quite a ways from here. This means that it will take a chunk out of our money that we don't have to spare. I really really really want to see her. I haven't seen her since I was pregnant with VJ. And I know we won't have any money next summer. We will figure it out. I want to go.