I was in a car accident today. I yelled at the driver who caused the accident. She was really hysterical and I think I caught a little bit of it. At first I told her, it's ok. Then I was like "Shut the hell up and look at what you did to my car!?!!?" "LOOK AT MY CAR!" I feel a little bad now, because she was young and incredibly stupid apparently. . . apparently. But look at my car! Shit.
The ambulance ride was torture. The EMT was funny, but laughing hurt me. I think they decided I wasn't seriously hurt and that I was just taking a gratuiitous ride to the hospital for no reason. I really feel like that. They were super nice and very interesting, but I feel like everyone thinks I wasn't that hurt. I have so learned how to put my pain in the back that I will never show how hurt I am. I mean never. I feel like that is a weakness that I don't need. I could have wailed and cried and screamed, but what good would it have done. Better to block it all out and move on. Block it out and move on.
And now I am sitting here hurt. I have to write a letter to St. Bernard's because I think that they are determined to kill me once again. I go to the hospital and my blood sugar is 300+ and I have an awful headache and I feel nauseous. They don't treat any of that. I am going to write several letters until I get some sort of satisfactory response and I might even contact a lawyer. I mean what I went through was ridiculous and dangerous! I don't know what I want to happen, but I really think that this needs to be addressed.
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