So I have found some great resources! I am very very excited. has been sooooo very helpful. Of course, I have also been very confused! This center thing is really getting to me. I think I have too many ideas. I am not sure how I am going to make everything work. And I still need to get a po and go to Landmark books and get my calendar and stuff that I have on hold. This was the secretary's first week back so I didn't want to bother her. I get the feeling that she can be a little grumpy! (This might be putting it mildly if the looks I have been getting mentioning her name are something to go by.)
Anyway . . . starting something new is very interesting. It is cause for a lot of introspection. I went into this for the right reasons. I am glad I did it. Of course, I am very scared that I won't be able to continue from here on out. Will my convictions be enough to carry me through? Will I lose myself in this? I guess now is the time to put my big girl panties on and suck it up.
Anyway . . . starting something new is very interesting. It is cause for a lot of introspection. I went into this for the right reasons. I am glad I did it. Of course, I am very scared that I won't be able to continue from here on out. Will my convictions be enough to carry me through? Will I lose myself in this? I guess now is the time to put my big girl panties on and suck it up.